What will "re-entry" look like? Think Differently

Today is May 1, 2020. It is two months since the first case of COVID-19 was identified in New York State. 

There is a lot going on today. As you know, we received not surprising, but still, unbelievable news that we are not returning this year.

There are many unanswered questions as to how school will look when we do return, and there have been so many editorials and articles written lately that include so many "educated guesses". And, in the midst of it all, I know we will rise to the challenge and that "failure is not an option". That's an Apollo 13 reference, which was inspired by this post, which so amazingly described how our educators were able to "defy the odds":


Our educators did something that seemed impossible.

So, what will "re-entry" look like? Get ready for "solutions and amazingly clever plans". We are working on it! It is time to follow one of my favorite guiding principles: "think differently". 

In the meantime, please take a few minutes to visit with a friend of our district's, educational thought leader, George Couros, for some inspiration and his

"5 Hopes for When Schools Reopen Face-To-Face"


It is not about the technology, it is about the relationships. It is remembering to "make connections". That is how we get through. We "know our why"!

What opportunity do you see for this re-entry?

Thank you to all educators for all you do for our children.
Take care of yourselves!
Here's to a new and better normal and a new appreciation for one another"!


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