Your Input Requested: Portrait of a Learner

Portrait of a Learner

There was a great energy in the air as New Hyde Park-Garden City Park began the new school year! At our opening meeting, I shared the district’s goals for 2019-20 with the group:
  1. Develop a shared, systematic approach to explicitly teach, integrate, and encourage positive behaviors.
  2. Ensure that all staff actively participate in professional development focused on inclusive and culturally proficient practices that improve learning and school cultures.
  3. Implement and ensure high-quality, consistent curriculum and learning experiences within each grade span and across the district with an emphasis on communication, empathy, learner’s mindset, technology and media literacy, collaboration, and innovation.
Last school year, our Innovation and Transformational Network Committee created NHP-GCP’s Portrait of a Learner (based on Portrait of a Graduate) featuring the traits in District Goal 3. Follow this link to see the interactive result: Thank you to Natalie Hartmann, our Library Media Specialist for putting our vision into a graphic.

Using a Kahoot quiz, the faculty voted that all six components recommended by the Committee are important for students to learn. 

What do you think of the six components of our Portrait of a Learner? Take our survey here: 


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