CDC Guidelines: Still "Apollo 13-ing" It

The CDC sent out guidance last week regarding the reopening of schools. If you want to read the document, it references schools on pages 45-48:
Please keep in mind the guidance is constantly changing- these are the guidelines as of this moment. 

Here's the Cliffs Notes:

Many educators are familiar with Comedian-Principal Gerry Brooks. He lends his opinion on the CDC guidelines in a video that has been making its rounds on social media:
I do not send you this information to frighten you or make you nervous (or mad!) but to share with you what the expectations are (at the moment- because these could change on a dime) for reopening schools. 

Here are the key points (summarized by from Governor Cuomo's press conference on May 21 concerning schools and children:
  • It’s too early and scientists still don’t understand enough about the coronavirus to say whether New York public schools will reopen in the fall, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Thursday.
  • The state is moving forward with preparation for a fall reopening, but Cuomo said he will not make a decision until more information is available.
  • Cuomo expressed specific concern over the multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says could be caused by Covid-19.
Also according to Governor Cuomo, further guidance for schools will be shared in June, with the expectation that each district submit a plan in July for reopening in the fall. 

Many of you may be wondering, "How are we supposed to do this?" We asked the same question of ourselves when our buildings closed in March and we moved to remote instruction (we "Apollo-13-ed" it). We always do what needs to be done for the children, and will continue to do so. No matter what the guidelines, we will figure it out together, because that's what we do.

Thank you for everything!


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