WHY we must and do teach STEAM, PLTW, Coding, Google

Dear All,

Please take a few minutes to read “Amazon HQ expansion means tough fight for talent”. https://www.apnews.com/3466bf9e7a1a49c49708de054121571e

As I read, I was thinking about how many friends of mine have children who graduated college and were not able to gain work in their area of study.
This is why we must and do teach STEAM, PLTW, Coding, Google...we are creating the future workforce. We are giving our children opportunity to thrive in our fast-changing world.

To see more of what our future engineers, programmers, mobile app developers, software developers are learning, follow Mrs. Scamell at NHPGCPTECH on Instagram and @nhpgcptech on Twitter, and @StemHolzkamp, and @MrGiurlandaSTEM on Twitter. 

Enjoy some of the images captured by our staff! Look at the expressions on our children's faces!


Have a great day.

Jennifer Morrison, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools


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